Auction Catalog

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1 pick Gift card grab

Friend of Pleasant Hill Education Foundation

Draw a single gift card and see what you win!  Available gift cards have a minimum face value of $25 and may be worth up to $100!

Draw a single gift card and see what you win!  Available gift cards have a minimum face value of $25 and may be worth up to $100!

Draw a single gift card and see what you win!  Available gift cards have a minimum face value of $25 and may be worth up to $100!

3 pick Gift card grab

Friend of Pleasant Hill Education Foundation

A chance to draw 3 gift cards with a minimum face value of $25 and may be worth up to $100

A chance to draw 3 gift cards with a minimum face value of $25 and may be worth up to $100

A chance to draw 3 gift cards with a minimum face value of $25 and may be worth up to $100